

It is well known that very important and fundamental research has already been carried out with small telescopes. It has been pointed out (see reports from ESO) that small telescopes are absolutely suitable for specialized research projects, for trying novel ideas, for testing new auxiliary instruments, for teaching and training people on the general practice of astronomy and astrophysics.

The rapid advancements in detectors, as well as automation and robotic technology upgraded small telescopes and made them possible to perform tasks which were possible to do in the past only on large astronomical facilities. Some types of observations, like long-term photometric and spectroscopic study of variable stars, can be performed much better and easier with small telescopes, since new relatively cheap detectors (CCDs) and powerful methods of reduction and analysis are available now. It is widely admitted that small telescopes are essential both for astronomical education and for carrying out some specialized research projects, like:

Among the most suitable research programs for small telescopes are the long-term (monitoring) projects, since it is easier to be awarded long observing time in small telescopes than in large ones. Usually, such projects are part of international observing campaigns, where small telescopes in the range 0.4 - 1.0 m belong to a network (24-hour coverage) and are dedicated to long-term monitoring.

It is well recognized that the operation of a small telescope is much more efficient, if it belongs to a local or international network of small telescopes, such as the Whole Earth Telescope (WET), the Center of Backyard Astronomers (CBA) and the North European Observatories Network (NEON). The advantages from the participation in such a network are obvious.

It should be mentioned that the 0.4 m telescope at the University of Athens Observatory has been successfully used to carry out high quality CCD observations within the frame of international campaigns and bilateral collaborations. We particularly mention the international campaign 'Multisite observations of the δ Scuti star V1162 Ori' (1999-2002), the 'W UMa program' (Greece, Canada, Poland) which is in progress, the international campaign 'Searching for β Cephei Stars in the open clusters NGC 6910 and NGC 884' (2006-2007), the 'Photometric monitoring of OJ287 Blazar' campaign (2006-2017) and the 'Accurate absolute parameters for oscillating Algol-type (oEA) binaries' campaign (2007-2017). The high quality of the new instrument guarantees its use for carrying out some specialized research programs and its participation in international networks.

A list of scientific publications, extracted after the use of astronomical observations, which were carried out with the available instrumentation at the University of Athens Observatory, can be found here: (Publications)

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